Independent Commercial & Residential Mortgage Advisers.

Specialist Mortgages:

A 'specialist mortgage' is when the transaction is not part of conventional mainstream lending, where a 'common sense' approach is required and not subject to automated and rigid lending criteria which can result in a potential decline. We partner with lenders that have the capability to 'think outside the box' and are entrepreneurial to allow lending to take place. We specialise and fit tailored mortgage solutions that can meet your specific needs and requirements.


Due to our expertise and market knowledge, we do not jump to completing applications - but first understand what you require - then make a discreet and confidential presentation to lenders and open one to one dialogue and start negotiating how we can arrive at a solution that works for you. Clients come to us as they entrust that we can deliver where often they have been met with obstacles and frustration in obtaining suitable funding.


Being independent allows to have the liberty to seek pro-active mortgage solutions for clients just like you and will go the extra mile.

Below is merely examples of potential specialist mortgages for 'UK expats' and 'foreign nationals'. If you have a specific requirement please take the first step and get in touch. The initial consultation is free of charge to establish if we can be of assistance.


  • Foreign national 'non-UK resident' mortgages.

  • Offshore mortgages

  • Complex buy-to-let mortgages

  • Specialist bridging loans

  • Foreign national property development finance

  • Expat self-builds

  • Overseas - international mortgages

  • Islamic / Muslim mortgages

  • Let-to-buy mortgages

  • Much more...

Are you seeking to buy a second home or investment property outside the UK? Spain, Italy, Caribbean, France, Portugal, Turkey, USA, Australia, New Zealand etc. Whether you’re buying your dream home Tobago or Tuscany we can assist to smooth the mortgage process enabling you to relax whilst matters are being dealt with and taking away the hassle.

Perhaps you may want to remortgage a property in the UK to release equity in order to buy overseas, we can seamlessly navigate you through the entire process.

We can arrange Shariah (Sharia) compliant mortgages for not only UK residents but also non-UK domiciled residents and 'foreign nationals' from most countries based on your individual circumstances. It does not matter if the the mortgage loan is:


  • Residential Property

  • Buy-to-Let investment property

  • Commercial mortgage

  • Bridging loan

  • Property development

  • Mezzanine Finance

Shariah law (sometimes referred to as 'Islamic law') prohibits transactions which involve interest or 'riba.' A definition of 'riba' includes:


'Unjustified increment in borrowing or lending money, paid in kind or in money above the amount of loan, as a condition imposed by the lender or voluntarily by the borrower. Riba defined in this way is called in fiqh riba al-duyun (debt usury)'


Islamic or Muslim mortgages or at times commonly called 'Halal' is available for both Muslims and non-Muslims, but of course the mortgage offering by lenders targets the Islamic community.


We can cater for complex situations, whilst the mortgages or remortgages will satisfy core principles of Muslims in the funding being Shariah compliant.


The market although still in its infancy within the UK, we can offer competitive rates and terms.

Specialist Expatriate International Mortgages

We arrange bespoke specialist residential 'expatriate' and 'foreign national' mortgages, providing a tailored advisory service. Each transaction is different, and we negotiate strategically with lenders to achieve the best terms. Would you like to be in safe hands, and take advantage of our market knowledge and lender relationships?

We access a wide pool of lenders: banks, specialist niche lenders, offshore, and private funding. You may fit the following:


  • UK Citizens living abroad

  • Citizens of other EU countries

  • Foreign Nationals domiciled or resident in Britain or elsewhere in the world

  • Trustees or Beneficiaries of Offshore Companies and Trusts.

  • Limited companies within as SPV structures

We have a wealth of industry experience in property finance and insurance. As experts we can offer you a diversified range of specialist residential mortgage and remortgage solutions. We are easy to talk with, and provide an attentive and personal service right from the start to end of the mortgage process. You deal directly with us in-house.


Regardless of your personal circumstances even if you have encountered difficulties in the past, please reach out to us and let us help you. Often clients who have done the rounds, and regret not coming to us initially and saving themselves time, cost and heartache.

We appreciate that everyone will have different needs and financial circumstances, this is where we can help you to realise a competitive mortgage or refinance solution. There are no charges for the initial consultation, so why not contact us to discuss your requirements in utmost confidence.

RISK WARNING: Changes in the exchange rate may increase the Sterling equivalent of your debt.

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Expat & Foreign Nationals 

As a British expat living and working outside of the UK, or a foreign national you may have struggled to obtain a mortgage or at the right terms and costs. We have built close working relationships with niche and specialist lenders offering finance solutions in challenging circumstances. Let us help you to realise what is possible and overcome any hurdles you may have faced.

Get in touch

Getting in touch is easy. Give us a call or request a call back.
The initial consultation is free, we'd love to understand if we can be of service.

0845 4860786